

Shortly before writing this article, I had a very vivid nightmare about being rejected by those who love me and who I also dearly love. Although the nightmare was unfounded in the natural, I awakened with strong feelings of being rejected. God then led me to ponder on how one might overcome rejection.

When David returned with his men from battle, they found that their city had been burned and that their wives and children had been taken captives. Although David had been their faithful leader in battle, David's men were so disappointed, discouraged, and depressed that they spoke of killing David. David not only faced the loss of his home and his two wives, he also faced the rejection by his own men. David, himself, became very distressed; however he encouraged himself. (I Samuel 30:1-6).

Although the Scripture does not specifically tell us at this point how David encouraged himself, he often encouraged himself with the promises that God had given to him. As a Believer, you can encourage yourself also.

The following exercise of using the Alphabet may help you to encourage yourself as you face disappointment, REJECTION, and depression:

A = I am adopted as a child of God. (Ephesians 1:5). I am accepted in the Beloved. (Ephesians 1:6).

B = I am spiritually born again. (I Peter 1:23). I am blessed with all spiritual blessings. (Ephesians 1:3).

C = I am chosen by God. (I Peter 2:9). I am comforted by the Holy Spirit. (John 14:16). I am cared for by God, Himself. (I Peter 5:7).

D = I am delivered from the powers of darkness. (Colossians 1:13). I have God's divine nature living in me. (II Peter 1:4).

E = I have the gift of eternal life. (John 10:28). I am engraved in the palms of God's hands. (Isaiah 49:16).

F = I am forgiven of all my sins. (I John 2:12). I will never be forsaken. (Hebrew 13:5). I am a friend of God. (I John 15:15).

G = I have God's goodness following me all the days of my life. (Psalms 23:6) I have been given grace to live as a Believer. ( I Corinthians 15:10).

H = I have help in time of need. (Hebrew 4:16). I am a heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ. (Romans 8:17). I am healed by His stripes. (I Peter 2:24). I have a home in Heaven. (John 14:-13).

I = I am born of the incorruptible seed by the word of God. (I Peter 1:23). I have an inner man that is renewed day by day. (II Corinthians 4:16).

J = I am justified (just as though I have never sinned) by my faith in Jesus. (Romans 5:1). I have the joy of the Lord. (John 15:11).

K = I am kept by His faithfulness. (II Timothy 1:12, 2:13). I am made a king unto the Lord in His kingdom. (Revelation 1:6).

L = I am loved by God with an everlasting love. (Jeremiah 31:3, John 3:16). I have life because I believe in Jesus. (John 6:47).

M = I receive God's mercy every day. (Lamentations 3:22-23). I am more than a conqueror through God's love. (Romans 8:37). I will not be moved because the LORD is at my right hand. (Psalms 16:8).

N = I am a new creature in Christ. (II Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 4:24). I am needed as part of the body of Christ. (Ephesian 4:16).

O = I am owned by the Creator. (Psalm 100:3). (I Corinthians 6:19). I am an overcomer. (I John 5:4-5). I am not left as an orphan. (John 14:18).

P = I am made perfect (complete) in the spirit. (Hebrew 10:14). I am purchased by the blood of Christ. (Acts 20:28). I am protected by God. (Romans 8:31).

Q = I am quickened (made alive) by the Spirit of Christ. (Ephesian 2:5). I have a quiet spirit. (I Peter 3:4).

R = I am made righteous though the suffering of Jesus. (II Corinthians 5:21). I reign in this life by God's grace. (Romans 5:17).

S = I am saved by His grace. (Ephesians 2:8-9). I have been sanctified by the work of Christ. (I Corinthians 6:11). I am a servant to the Most High God. (Romans 6:22).

T = I am taught by the Holy Spirit. (John 14:26). I trust in the Lord. (Jeremiah 17:7). I have been translated  from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God's Son.

U = I am understood by Jesus in my suffering. (Philippians 2:7-8, Hebrew 2:18). I have unsearchable riches in Christ. (Ephesians 3:8).

V = I am victorious because Jesus had victory over sin and the world. (I Corinthians 15:57). I can hear and follow the voice of Jesus. (John 10:27).

W = I have been washed in the blood of Jesus and made white as snow. (Isaiah 1:18, Revelation 7:14). I am God's workmanship, created to do good works. (Ephesians 2:10).

X = I am crucified (X) with Christ, but also live with him. (Galatians 2:20).

Y = I have yielded my life to Jesus as my Lord. (Romans 12:1-2, 6:13). I yearn to live in the presence of the Lord. (Psalms 42:1).

Z = I have the zeal of the Lord. (Titus 2:14).

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