Indicators Of A Divided Mind
    Please understand that this is a self-test and is not meant to be a clinical exam for clinical diagnoses of DID or MPD.   I am not a physician and do not give clinical diagnoses by law. 

The following test is not meant to be exhaustive, but rather meant to help you discover more about yourself.

Instructions for taking this test are as follows:
2 3 4
Answer each statement by checking the appropriate box.  The "0" column means the statement does not apply to you . . . . and  "5" means that it strongly applies to you.

1. You have frequent dizzy spells.
2. You have notable periods (years, months, or days) of memory loss.
3. You experience periodic seizures.
4. You have frequent headaches.
5. You are very creative especially in art, music, writing, or drama.
6. Your personality changes with a yawn, cough, sneeze, twitch, or other movement.
7. You have suicidal episodes wishing that you were dead.
8. You have compulsive feelings to communicate, but are fearful to do so.
Remember . . . it is only a test.
9. You have inflicted personal injury upon yourself through cutting or burning.
10. You have frequent panic attacks.
11. You have episodes of sadness without a conscious cause.
12. You are conscious of internal dialogue.
13. You are generally passive to controlling personalities.
14. You have a mysterious interest in or fear of the occult or satanism.
15. You experience sudden anger without a justified cause.
16. You have knowledge of the occult without book knowledge.
2 3 4
Answer each statement by checking the appropriate box.  The "0" column means the statement does not apply to you . . . . and  "5" means that it strongly applies to you.

You are making good progress.
17. You have great difficulty in choosing what clothing to wear.
18. You have a strong desire to please or be accepted at the expense of personal morals.
19. You have seemingly unshakable addictions (drugs, tobacco, food, or sex).
20. You have frequent stomach ailments.
21. You have an inability to remember recent or past actions which others point out.
22. You feel extreme isolation even at social gatherings.
23. You struggle with eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia.
24. You have bodily pain or extreme discomfort without known medical cause.
Don't stop now.
25. You sometime find yourself playing the role of your opposite sex.
26. You become depressed when being around children of a certain age.
27. You are fearful of being alone especially in dark places.
28. You feel extremely uncomfortable with communion (Lord's Supper) at church.
29. You generally avoid most all of physical contact.
30. You have major trust issues.
31. You experience feelings of detachment from reality in real life situations.
32. You discover yourself acting the extreme opposite of your normal personality.
You are past the halfway point.
33. You become very distressed when religious topics are discussed.
34. You have feelings frustration without a known cause.
35. You are generally fearful of giving or receiving in intimacy (even in marriage).
36. You often feel that you are being misunderstood.
37. You experience personality changes when the topic of pregnancy is discussed.
38. You experience extreme discomfort at the time of church altar calls.
39. You  have feelings of detachment even when helping others.
40.  You are short or secretive about your personal life without explanation.
2 3 4
Answer each statement by checking the appropriate box.  The "0" column means the statement does not apply to you . . . . and  "5" means that it strongly applies to you.

Keep up the good work.
41. You have suffered from one or more traumatic sexual experiences.
42. You find yourself acting or thinking as a young child, yet in an adult body.
43. You excel in intelligence in one area, but fail miserably in many other areas.
44. You have been raised in or have been a member of an cult or occult.
45. You find yourself strongly wishing that you were another person.
46. You often wrestle with confusion about who you really are.
47. You have nightmares or sleep disturbances.
48. You find that you have purchased items which you don't remember buying.
You have only one more set.
49. You have pictorial (visual) memories, but can place them mentally.
50. You have been raised in a extreme legalistic religious environment.
51. You may find yourself some place, but don't remember how you got there.
52. You find it difficult being still and fidget a lot.
53. You have had major losses such as through the deaths of those who you loved.
54. You seem to hear voices when no one else is around.
55. You find yourself daydreaming when you should be paying attention.
56. You were severely punished by your parents for not being perfect.
Congratulations! You have finished.
   If you will add the total for each column, it should give you a better picture.  To get a final score, multiply the total for each column by the number represented by that column and then add the totals. 
 See the example below.


[20] x "0" = 0
[04] x "1" = 4
[05] x "2" =10
[09] x "3" = 27
[10] x "4" = 40
[08] x "5" = 40

Total score = 121
Minimum score = 0   Maximum score = 280

* The more the true answers you have checked or the higher your score, the greater the indication of a need for further investigation.

 ***** I do not believe in labeling people by saying, "You are .... " apart from the Word.  Furthermore, I believe and have seen God make people whole; therefore, I don't believe in the concept of just coping.


1. Overcoming A Divided Mind.
2. Alters & Evil Spirits
3. Being Made Whole
5. Steps In Overcoming Lies

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